
Patrick Henry-When people hear that name, they think of the words, “give me liberty or give me death!”
Patrick Henry-When people hear that name, all they think of are the words, “give me liberty, or give me death!”

Patrick Henry (May 29, 1736-June 6, 1799) was recognized as one of the great leaders of the American revolution. Dating back to 1763, the lawyer from Hanover County, Virginia was speaking out against the over-reaching hand of Great Britain. But what does that have to do with you and me today? I have had the privilege of speaking about and portraying this great man for over 30 years, and inevitably, after a presentation, somebody will come up to me and tell me, “we need someone like this today”. Or, after I deliver Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech in character, I may get the comment, “that needs to be heard in Congress”.

People seem to appreciate the words of Patrick Henry, but why? What is it that he said that is so valid today? Or, more importantly, why is what he said, still valid today? Americans are feeling the need to stand up for liberty. Is it possible that through the words of Patrick Henry, we can catch a glimpse of what our founding fathers intended for this nation? Can people today be encouraged to be the ones to stand up, as Mr. Henry did, against the tyranny, that later in his life, he actually warned us about. Can we find a place for values, principles and morality in this society were “liberty” seems to be equated with “anything goes”?

My name is Patrick Henry Jolly. I have the honor, through these writings, of introducing you to my fifth great grandfather, Patrick Henry. We will look at the life of Mr. Henry, and actually allow him to speak to us, through his own words. He will motivate us, encourage us, and challenge us, as he did during the early years of this great nation.

I encourage comments and questions. There is no plan to write according to a schedule, so keep an eye out for the next article. Thank you.
